Success Story

Netflix Pursues Soft DevEx Goals with Hard DevProd Metrics using Test Distribution 

At Netflix, improving developer happiness is a goal of paramount importance since it is highly correlated with developer productivity. Netflix Engineering has experienced significant benefits from their investments in improving the developer experience and productivity by using automation, tools and data, rather than by enforcing a management decree and focusing on management best practices. And they have some hard metrics to prove it.

For example, the productivity team reduced a 62-minute test cycle time to just under 5 minutes in one application using a DPE technique called Test Distribution. This result, as well as some other developer productivity insights were reviewed in our latest DPE blog post. This blog is based on the contents of a recent DevProdEng LowDown webcast led by Danny Thomas, a tech lead on the Netflix Developer Productivity team. You can view the webcast here.

Expert Take

How DoorDash does Developer Productivity Engineering

In our most recent DevProdEng Lowdown webcast, we got the lowdown from Adam Rogal of the DoorDash Developer Productivity team on how DoorDash does DPE. Adam led an interesting discussion on the people, processes, and tools that DoorDash put in place to improve the productivity and experience of their engineers. Adam addressed a variety of topics, including the right time to stand up a dedicated team to focus on DPE; initial DPE initiative goals and business outcomes achieved; key data/metrics and tooling required for success; biggest wins to date; and their DPE moonshot moving forward. You can watch the webcast on demand.

IDEAs and insights

Executive’s Guide to Developer Productivity Engineering 

This white paper is intended to serve as an urgent call to action for IT leaders within enterprises that are responsible for translating business goals into digital strategy and who are open to a new approach and new solutions. These are the DPE initiative executive sponsors that understand the urgency of ensuring that developers continuously operate at peak speed and efficiency. If this resonates with you and/or you think this may be of interest to your management team, please check it out and share.

This white paper addresses the following questions:

  • What is Developer Productivity Engineering and why will it play a critical role in achieving and sustaining the benefits of digital transformation?
  • Why is an engineering and data-driven approach to maximizing developer productivity optimal compared to alternative approaches?
  • Who is investing in DPE across the enterprise and what have been the results to date?
  • What is the business case for DPE and the cost of inaction (CoI)?

Upcoming Featured Event

Spend some quality time with a DPE industry expert

Our next Introduction to Developer Productivity Engineering online workshop will take place on March 4th, 9:00 am - 11:30 am PT. In this hands-on online educational event with labs, DPE guru, Raju Gandhi, will demonstrate DPE best practices and tools in action—using examples from Java projects that rely on Maven or the Gradle Build Tool. In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Accelerate debugging and root cause analysis time in half leveraging Build Scans.
  • Achieve up to 90% reductions in local and remote build times using Build Cache and Test Distribution.
  • Avoid performance regressions, continuously improve toolchain reliability, and better manage flaky tests with build performance and build failure analytics.

More Upcoming Events

Don’t Miss these Opportunities to Learn More

February 16, 6:00 am PST (1 hour): Online Training - Gradle Enterprise User Training for Developers
March 4, 9:00 am PST (3 hours): Online Workshop - Introduction to Developer Productivity Engineering
March 7, 9:00 am PST (2.5 hours): Online Training - Gradle Build Cache Deep Dive
March 8-9, 8:30 am PST (4 hours/day): Online Training - Introduction to Gradle Build Tool

Until next time!

The Gradle Team


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