Technology NEWS

Developer Productivity Gets a Boost from Machine Learning 

In April, Gradle announced a new Gradle Enterprise product extension called Predictive Test Selection. Predictive Test Selection reduces testing time up to 70% by identifying, prioritizing, and running only tests that are likely to provide useful feedback during test runs. Predictive Test Selection accomplishes this by applying a machine learning model that uniquely incorporates fine-grained code snapshots, comprehensive test analytics, and flaky test data. 

Predictive Test Selection is part of a comprehensive build and test performance acceleration strategy and product suite that includes build caching, test distribution, and performance continuity engineering. It currently supports the Gradle and Apache Maven™ build tools. You can learn more about the solution technology benefits and features here or watch the product introduction webcast led by the project's lead engineer, Eric Wendelin.

Featured Upcoming Event

How the Micronaut Framework does Developer Productivity Engineering with Gradle Enterprise

The Micronaut project is a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications. Get the Lowdown on how the Micronaut project teams do Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) with Gradle Enterprise. In this webcast we chat with Cedric Champeau, a Consulting Member of Technical Staff at Oracle Labs, and Sergio del Amo Caballero, Micronaut Product Development Lead at Object Computing Inc., about their experience setting up Gradle Enterprise for 40+ Micronaut projects to improve developer productivity. Cedric and Sergio will share their DPE wins and the productivity insights gained using Gradle Enterprise to improve build times by 50%.

Topics include:

  • How Micronaut does builds and tests
  • Tooling stack and build/test stats
  • Developer productivity wins
  • Leveraging Gradle Enterprise to modernize the Micronaut build
  • Improving the incrementality of the build
  • Insights into what is happening in the build process
  • Implementing build best practices

Expert Takes

DevProdEng Showdown (S2E1): Android Developer Experience

The hit series is now in its second season, and we are excited about the season premiere, which aired on April 20. In this episode, Android gurus from some of the most famous technology and global business brands weighed in on thought-provoking technology choices they support or interesting practices they recommend to scale their Android developer experience. The panel included Emma Tresanszki (JP Morgan Chase), Heath Borders (Amazon Twitch), Daniel Duval (Delta Airlines), and Joshua Fenemore (Kaiser Permanente).

Topics our expert panelists debated included:

  • Best Android Development productivity hack
  • How best to deal with flaky tests 
  • Best tips to boost build speed 
  • How best to assess application health in production 
  • Best practices for test coverage before merging PRs 
  • Does test code need to be as clean as production code 
  • Where best to execute integration tests for CI 

More Upcoming Events

Don’t Miss these Opportunities to Learn More

May 9, 9 am PT (3 hours): Virtual Training - Gradle Build Cache Deep Dive
May 10-11, 11:30 am ET (4 hours per day): Virtual Training - Introduction to Gradle Build Tool
May 17, 3 pm CET (1 hour): Virtual Training - Gradle Enterprise Productivity Engineers Training
May 18, 10 am PT (1 hour): DevProdEng Lowdown - How Micronaut does Developer productivity Engineering
May 19, 2 pm ET (1 hour): Virtual Training - Gradle Enterprise Productivity Engineers Training
June 1, 1 pm PT (3 hours): In-Person Workshop - Introduction to Developer Productivity Engineering
June 7, 2 pm ET (1 hour): Virtual Training - Gradle Enterprise Developer Training
June 8, 3 pm CET (1 hour): Virtual Training - Gradle Enterprise Developer Training
July 14, 10 am PT (1 hour): DevProdEng Lowdown - How Uber does Developer Productivity Engineering

Visit our website here for the complete schedule of upcoming training and industry events.

Until next time!

The Gradle Team


Gradle Inc. | ‌ 2261 Market Street ‌ | ‌ San Francisco, CA 94114 ‌

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