How Uber does Developer Productivity Engineering

In this upcoming DevProdEng Lowdown webcast event (July 14, 2022, 10:00 - 11:00 AM PDT), we talk to Gautam Korlam and Ty Smith from the Developer Productivity and Experience team at Uber. We’ll explore the platform they built to improve the productivity of their engineers and ship new features with increased velocity and reliability to Uber users.  

Key topics include: 

  • The size and structure of their DPE and DevEx teams, as well as the development and product teams they support
  • Programming language and tools used
  • Data and metrics collected to evaluate developer productivity success
  • Key productivity engineering wins
  • DPE moonshots

Expert Take

4 Expert Tips for Boosting Android Build Speed

In a recent DevProdEng Showdown! Android gurus from some of the most famous technology and global business brands shared their best tips for accelerating Android build and test feedback cycle times. Checkout this blog to read what our friends at Twitch, JP Morgan Chase, Delta, and Kaiser Permanente had to say. To find out who our live audience thought gave the best tip, watch this video segment or watch the complete episode to get our panel’s tips on a wider variety of Android developer productivity challenges.


New Survey Results Reveal Key Developer Challenges in 2021

In a recently published report entitled “Unblocking Workflows: The Guide to Developer Productivity in 2022” (Mattermost), developers were asked to name their biggest productivity challenges in 2021. The responses are illustrated below:


Here’s how DPE practices and tools can address the top 4 challenges. 

  • DPE can actually exacerbate the tool fragmentation issue if you deploy point solutions for each build environment (e.g. Maven and Gradle) or pain points (e.g. slow builds and tests, inefficient troubleshooting, flaky test management or build action visibility). Productivity solution platforms that support multiple build environments and provide end-to-end productivity solution capabilities (e.g. Gradle Enterprise) democratize the benefits of DPE for users across build environments and across users responsible for various build and test lifecycle tasks. 
  • Distributed teams that need to problem solve collaboratively can use a free solution capability called “Build Scan” to share any detail of a Gradle, Maven or Bazel Build Scan report using a deep link (even down to a single line in a console log). 
  • One surefire way to address personnel/talent issues, especially how to attract and retain talent, is to invest in DPE. DPE minimizes the time developers spend doing frustrating things like waiting for builds to complete and debugging problems. With DPE, developers spend more time doing the things they love like being creative and writing great code.
  • DPE is all about automating manual tasks associated with accelerating builds, determining problem root causes, managing flaky tests, and observing performance and failure trends.


Gradle Announces the first Annual Developer Productivity Engineering Summit 

Save the dates November 2-3, for the first DEVELOPER PRODUCTIVITY ENGINEERING SUMMIT 2022: NEXT PRACTICES FOR IMPROVING THE DEVELOPER EXPERIENCE in San Francisco, CA USA. This will be a two-day, two-track event bringing together the brightest minds in the world of developer productivity. It’ll be your chance to share and learn from real world use cases on how to leverage DPE next practices and tools to achieve digital transformation and pursue an IT-driven competitive advantage. The event will feature speakers from Airbnb, Doordash, Gradle, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Netflix, Slack, and Uber among others. Registration and other event details will follow soon.

More Upcoming Events

Don’t Miss these Opportunities to Learn More

July 5-6, 8:30 am PT (4 hours / day): Virtual Training - Introduction to Gradle Build Tool​​​​
J​​​​​​uly 14, 10 am PT (1 hour): DevProdEng Lowdown - How Uber does Developer Productivity Engineering
July 19, 9 am ET (1 hour): Virtual Training - Gradle Enterprise Developer User Training
July 21,  9 am PT (3 hours): Virtual  Training - Maven Build Cache Deep Dive
July 22, 9 am PT (3 hours): Virtual Training - Gradle Build Cache Deep Dive
July 26, 2 pm ET (1 hour): Virtual Training - Gradle Enterprise Productivity Engineers Training
July 27, 9 am ET (1 hour): Virtual Training - Gradle Enterprise Productivity Engineers Training
July 28, 9 am PT (2,5 hours): Virtual Workshop - Introduction to Developer Productivity Engineering
Visit our website for the complete schedule of upcoming training and industry events.


Until next time!

The Gradle Team


Gradle Inc. | ‌ 325 9th Street ‌ | ‌ San Francisco, CA 94103 ‌

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